Finding a New Primary Care Doctor

A Big Thanks To Leslie at for this great advice Thanks to Leslie at Read more

The Rollercoaster of Life

Grandma: "I always wanted to go again. You know, it was just so interesting that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited, and so thrilled all together! Some didn't like Read more

Sheltering at Home/Covid 19

Never in the last two decades of my career as a physician would I have imagined that we would be using the same mask to see patients all day and then sterilizing/recycling them at the end of the day. Read more

Turmeric Health Benefits

Have you ever wondered what the paste is applied to the bride and groom's faces and arms in Indian weddings?  It's actually the spice turmeric.  Turmeric is the ingredient in curry that gives it a vibrant yellow color.  Actually, Read more

COVID 19 Precautions

With the scare of COVID here in the USA now, I wanted to post a little info about boosting immunity to prevent contracting the virus. Here are some important facts about Covid-19 It is spread by contact with Read more

Natural Tips for Avoiding Colds

This cold and flu season is still upon us and unfortunately, many patients are still being plagued by these nasty viral symptoms.  Here are a few tips to try if you feel like you are coming down with something. Of Read more

Sherry's Story

Sherry has a great story.  She has been diabetic for years and she has made some massive changes!   "I have been on a lifestyle change. It has been a year following a ketogenic food plan.  When I started this journey Read more

Pharmacy to Farmacy

Many of you may know Erin-- the fabulous Pharm D that worked in our office a few years back.  Erin is a phenomenal gal and we embarked on the journey  into natural medicine around the same time.  As we both Read more


Got Juice? My First Experience with a Juice Cleanse

I’ve been wanting to try some sort of detox since the beginning of the year but have struggled deciding what exactly to do. I was definitely scared to do a detox and was afraid that I would be running to the bathroom between patients.  But, I decided that I would take the chance because I felt like I needed to replenish my body with nutrients and get a fresh start to the year.  After trying to find time on the weekend to make enough juices to last me for 3 days, I realized that just wasn’t an option at this time with my busy schedule.  I decide to go with the 3 day beginner’s cleanse from Natural Born Juicers right down on Mass. Ave.  I was able to order the cleanse online and then drove down to the store to pick them up.  It was a little pricey but how do you really put a price on good health?  Cancer can get pretty expensive too!


Day 1
1. Light Greens
2. Grapefruit, Apple, Lemon
3. Ultimate Greens
4. Alkalized Spicy Lemonade
5. Sweet Beet
6. Live Sprouted Almond Milk

Day 2
1. Light Greens
2. Grapefruit Mint
3. Ultimate Greens
4. Alkalized Spicy Lemonade
5. Happy Heart
6. Almond Milk

Day 3
1. Light Greens
2. Spring Cleaner
3. Ultimate Greens
4. Spicy Lemonade
5. Fomo
6. Almond Milk


I started it last Sunday.  Sidney, Emma, and I trucked down to Mass Ave to fuel up before shopping at Target for some curtains for Emma’s newly painted room.  I dragged them alone to make sure I didn’t chicken out.

First of all, all of the juices were uber tasty!  I’m not a fan of beets and that ended up being my favorite juice.  Day One went fine, I was a little hungry around dinner time but was able to stay distracted and the “almond” juice felt like a nice little dessert before bed and filled me up.  Day Two, wasn’t quite so easy.  I went to work feeling a little weak and drained.  I felt as though I was recovering from the flu and actually had to break down and eat some raw veggies (cucumber, carrots, broccoli, and beets) for lunch–(Shout out to the garden cafe at IU West).  In retrospect, I don’t think I had been drinking enough water.  By Day Three, I was feeling great and wasn’t hungry at all.  I actually felt like going another 2-3 days but didn’t want to push it.  I was a little gassy but was not in the bathroom all day.  My bowels seemed pretty regular and there was no abdominal discomfort.  Overall it wasn’t the worst experience I’ve had in my life.  I would say waking up in college at IU after a night at Kilroy’s outranked this by far.

I’ll try it again and will maybe go for a more advanced or even longer cleanse.  My skin seemed clearer and what was really funny is that the whites of my eyes seemed really bright by Day Three.  They seemed normal before but by Day 3, they were glowing!!  Not to mention, there was a sense of accomplishment from challenging myself and stepping a little out of my comfort zone.  I hear that place where all growth happens.  We will soon see!

Eat those VEGGIES!  or in this case–Drink them!

Check out their website by clicking HERE

and for more information on the benefits of juicing —check this LINK


Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, Green Living, Nutrition, Organic, Weight Loss, Whole Food 1 Comment

Juicing 101



While browsing Facebook I came across a college sorority sister that has started a juice detox this week to start of the New Year.    She bought a pre-made 3 day juice cleanse from Le Nectar –a new juicing bar here in town located on the Northside next to Tulip Noir.  There are several different spots here in town where you can purchase fresh juice including Georgetown Market, EarthFare, and  Natural Born Juicers just to name a few.  However I am incredibly poor after the holiday season considering my children are now of the age where gifts require a more significant monetary investment than in the early years.  So I am now inspired to dust off my juicer that has been hibernating during the holidays and get back on board.  A juicer is a bit of investment at first, however you will save a lot of money in the long run doing your own juicing .  I came across a colleague’s article on the different types of  juicers that was extremely informative and helpful and wanted to share that with you .  Here’s the link that will explain the different types of  juicers available along with the pros and cons.

Be sure to check out his BLOG as well.

Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, Guest Blog, Nutrition, Organic, Weight Loss, Whole Food Leave a comment

Toxic Emotions

Which of the following will cause you to get sick first?

1.  Eating Sugar

2.  Carbs

3.  Lack of Exercise

4.  Toxic Emotions


Yep –you got it—-Hatred, Guilt, Negativity, and Lack of Self Love—All of the above will cause you harm way before anything else.

I watched this Mindset Monday video by Drew Canole from and it really hit home.  I love his positive energy and honesty.  Check out his site and the iPhone App called fit life tv which is free and has tons of  great juicing recipes!

Here is a little background on Drew—

“Drew was born and raised in the small, rural community of Lake City in northern Michigan. After attending Central Michigan University, he launched a successful career in finance before recognizing that his greatest talent lied in motivating others. He currently resides in San Diego, where his work as author, fitness specialist and has made him one of the most reputable Personal Coaches in southern California.

Drew is committed to the conviction that people are at their best when challenged. He pushes others to bust through personal barriers and reach new heights in physical, mental and spiritual well-being.”



And with a quote from Drew—We’re in this together

Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, Mind, Nutrition, Organic, Weight Loss, Whole Food Leave a comment

Health and Wellness Expo


Smoothie recipes, juicing recipes and revamping our favorite comfort by making them healthier.  Yes– that is the plan for this Sunday, April 28th at the WTHR Health and Wellness Expo.  I’ll be there with all my buddies showing you how to make some delicious recipes and even letting you sample them.  Yes–the Iron Chef Ninja Skills will be in full action.  Of course I am kidding!  This full-time working mom of 4 daughters has zero technique on Bobby Flay.  I’m going all out this Sunday and hopefully won’t make a fool of myself.  We will be making a healthy version of the classic Baked Ziti and attempt some juicing and smoothie techniques.  We have tons of tips and it should be fun.  Check out my interview with Angela Cain advertising this below.  Please keep in mind that I was sweating bullets under those lights and that I am a doctor–not a TV personality!  There are real reasons that I didn’t go into a field that required any public speaking!  I have an incredible respect for these reporters that can speak so eloquently impromptu!  See you there !  Game on wellness warriors!  This is your chance to learn a ton about health and wellness for free!  Green Bean Delivery, Trader’s Point Creamery and many local businesses will be there;  that’s not to mention that  Andrew Luck, Guiliana and Bill Rancic , and many other health conscious celebrities are attending!  Bring the kids–there are tons of activities for them as well.




13 WTHR Indianapolis

Posted on by Angela in disease, Nutrition, Uncategorized, Whole Food Leave a comment

Homemade V8 Juice

I love V8 Juice–my mom made me drink it every morning before school.  (Thanks Mom).  It was the perfect combo to my usual breakfast of chocolate donuts!  I think of the commercial “I should have had a V8!”  as I peel the little label off that can!   This last weekend, the kids and I went on a mission to reproduce a V8 juice using our new juicer.  Don’t get me wrong– V8 from the store is incredibly better than soda or an artificial reproduction of a fruit juice.   Please don’t feel judged if you do drink it–it’s a great choice.  We just needed a project.  It certainly became a project quickly (Imagine a 5-year-old cramming veggies in a juicer at lightening speed)  and it turned into a real ordeal.   It’s amazing that we survived with fingers and kitchen intact.

Fooducate gives it a B rating so no–it’s not all that bad.  However – please note the Maltodextrin, Salt, Flavoring???, and Ascorbic/Citric Acid. in the ingredient label.  That is way more ingredients than we like to see!  TOXIC!.

Maltodextrin is made from starch,  primarily corn in the US .  Maltodextrin applies to any starch hydrolysis product containing less than 20 glucose units.  It serves as an artificial sweetener in most foods in which it is added.

Read more:


Here is a list of the V8 juice ingredients -the store-bought version–

Tomato Juice From Concentrate (Water, Tomato Concentrate), Reconstituted Vegetable Juice Blend (Water and Concentrated Juices of Carrots, Celery, Beets, Parsley, Lettuce, Watercress, Spinach), Maltodextrin, Salt, Ascorbic Acid, Flavoring, Citric Acid.

Here are our homeade ingredients:

Our Homemade Version–

• 6 medium-sized carrots
• 1 small beet (washed thoroughly)
• 3 large tomatoes
• 1 red bell pepper
• A bag of baby spinach
• 1 green bell pepper
• ¼ slice of sweet onion
• 3 stalks of celery
• ¼ head of fresh cabbage
• Half clove garlic
• Kale leaves, chili pepper and salt to taste


Unfortunately, ours turned out quite palatable but had a very unpleasing brown color–Let me know if you try this and have better results.  (I’m not posting the end product for that reason)

Posted on by Angela in Diet, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Whole Food 2 Comments

Dr. Oz’s Green Smoothie Recipe

So I have a young healthy patient that suffers from terrible migraines!  He travels yearly to an institute in Michigan that specializes in the treatment of migraine headaches.  He takes abortive medications almost 6 days a week.  Even the best specialists in the field haven’t been able to cure him of these terrible headaches.  (Cue the drum roll)—He changed his diet and he has had several months of migraine free success!  He started with a 1 week juice fast using Dr. Oz’s recipe.  And then followed specifically with an anti-inflammatory diet.  This includes no artificial sweeteners, no gluten, no dairy, and no caffeine.  Here is his favorite GREEN JUICE from Dr. Oz.  I rocked it out with my new juicer this weekend and am loving it.  Even Sidney (13) and one of her girlfriends drank it this weekend!!!

2 cups spinach

1/2 cucumber

1/4 head of celery

1/2 bunch parsley

1 bunch mint

3 carrots

2 apples

1/4 orange

1/4 lime

1/4 lemon

1/4 pineapple

He still follows a diet that includes many fruits, vegetables and no processed foods—Who would believe that one man could cure himself of chronic pain and disease by just eating healthy!  If you suffer from migraine headaches–I would encourage you to try one week of the following diet just to see if it helps.  Hopefully, we will get his testimonial soon and I’ll be posting his experience and his migraine logs.

Image 1Image

Posted on by Angela in Diet, Nutrition, Whole Food 3 Comments

Kris Carr’s Crazy Sexy Manifesto

I absolutely love this gal!  She is an inspiration and I believe everyone is affected by cancer in their lives at one point or another.  It may be a friend, loved one or themselves and it is always game changer.  Kris stands for empowering yourself against disease and facing it with positivity.  Her movie, books, newsletters, and blog are a daily inspiration for me and my patients. Take some time to watch this superhero gal in action in the trailer from her movie “Crazy Sexy Cancer”.



I’m Kris Carr, author of the New York Times Best Seller, “Crazy Sexy Diet,” and founder of, an award-winning and fantabulous wellness site with daily articles from leading experts and cutting-edge resources for building vibrant health and happiness. My wake up call – a stage 4 cancer diagnosis, with no cure and no treatment (Zoinks!) – ignited a personal revolution and taught me how to take responsibility for my well-being at the deepest level imaginable. Now I want to show you how to step into your destiny and become the CEO of your own health. Radiance is your natural state. You can banish the blocks that hold you back with a plant-powered diet and Crazy Sexy lifestyle!

Each and every one of us has the power to ignite a wellness revolution in our kitchens. Change now. Get juiced now. Learn to live like you really mean it and teach others to do the same. By joining the revolution, you vow to wake up and take a stand for your well-being. No one can take better care of you than wise, brilliant, capable, and STRONG you.

This self-care thing is bigger than many of us imagine. The pursuit of personal health, spiritual wealth and happiness is actually a political statement, a peaceful protest and a powerful act of love. Why? Because in order to care for ourselves in a full-tilt-boogie-I’m gonna-walk-the- talk sorta way, we must rebel against the broken systems that support dis-ease and dismantle the status quo. We can’t wait for special interests, government policies, subsidies, agribusiness, factory farming, pharmaceutical industries and advertisers to change. But we can get off our sofas, vote with our forks and knives and heal the way we eat, drink and think.

Read the guiding principles of the Crazy Sexy diet and lifestyle I’ve outlined below and make these simple health habits stick. Get inspired – print it out, hang it on your fridge and read it daily! This step alone will have a huge impact on your life.

Keep in mind, this is just an overview of the guiding principles. To dig deep and make lasting changes, grab your copy of “Crazy Sexy Diet” here.

Make juice not war and remember, you are the change you’ve been waiting for… Peace & Revolution,

Kris Carr

Posted on by Angela in Body, cancer, Diet, Exercise, Guest Blog, Nutrition, Uncategorized, Weight Loss, Whole Food Leave a comment

Crazy Weight Loss

I was recently reviewing the current fad diet trends and had to ask myself–what are these people thinking?  My guess is that women are so desperate for the truth that they are willing to try absolutely anything.  These top trends are shocking.

1.  The Feeding Tube Diet—the new hot fad for brides-to-be is placing a feeding tube thru the nose into the stomach that provides a continuous protein drip at around 800 calories a day.  With no solid food, weight loss is inevitable.  Really???  That’s a sexy look for your new husband on the wedding night!

2.  Body Wraps–Real Housewives of Atlanta, Kim Zolciak, tried this wacky trick.  They wrap you in elastic bandages and then you stay in motion for 60 minutes and the inches are squeezed off your body.  Really??  How do you move once mummified?

3.  Tape Worms–these wacky dieters will ingest a parasite in pill form and it grows and attaches itself to the intestine.  Since the parasite eats all the food you ingest–weight loss and nutritional deficiencies are inevitable.  Really??  Who cares if you are skinny if you are pooping worms!

The bottom line is–diets don’t work!  You have to change your lifestyle in order to lose weight.  Throw away the scales and focus on health!  Whole unprocessed foods are healthy–and if you eat only those when you are hungry, you will never have to worry about fad dieting again.

Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, Exercise, Humor, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Whole Food Leave a comment

Pea Juice!

A big thanks to Green Bean Delivery this week for providing our family with the perfect combinations of fruits and veggies to give our family a jump-start each am this week.  Emma slept in this am (much-needed rest for a very tired little 5 yo who played hard outside yesterday) and this fabulous forty-year old made PEA JUICE.  Yep, you got it! Pea juice.  I stole this little concoction from


Pea Juice

1 bag of sugar snap peas

1 honeydew melon

fresh ginger

Throw the sugar snap peas (pod and all) into the juicer.  While that is juicing, chop the ginger (a little goes a long way) and cut the melon rind away and de seed the melon.  Then throw that in and serve chilled with some ice and yippee!  A healthy morning PEA!

Eat those veggies folks–but, if you can’t stand to eat them—Juice them!

Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, Humor, Nutrition, Organic, vegan, Weight Loss, Whole Food Leave a comment

What’s up doc? Carrot Juice

In the Twelfth century, Moors brought carrots to Europe and their healthy qualities spread to Europe, England,  and eventually to the New World.  Carrots are super antioxidants and belong to the same family as parsnips (ick–never tried one but I will).  These healthy eye brightening veggies have lots to offer!  Thank you to Michelle,  Angela MD’s Superjuicer, for this wonderful carrot juicing recipe!  Our entire office drank one today!  Of course we didn’t tell them the ingredients until after they finished the juice!  More to come tomorrow on our Kale juice experiment.

Best Carrot Juice (by superjuicer Michelle)

Juice (in your Omega 3 or juicer of choice)

4 large carrots

1/2 carton of blueberries

1 lb of strawberries

2 small peaches

1 slice of pineapple

1/2 carton of raspberries


2 tsp of nutmeg and ginger

Drink this amazing cocktail and you will have an eye whitening powerhouse of energy !


Posted on by Angela in disease, vegan, Weight Loss, Whole Food Leave a comment