Pea Juice!

A big thanks to Green Bean Delivery this week for providing our family with the perfect combinations of fruits and veggies to give our family a jump-start each am this week.  Emma slept in this am (much-needed rest for a very tired little 5 yo who played hard outside yesterday) and this fabulous forty-year old made PEA JUICE.  Yep, you got it! Pea juice.  I stole this little concoction from


Pea Juice

1 bag of sugar snap peas

1 honeydew melon

fresh ginger

Throw the sugar snap peas (pod and all) into the juicer.  While that is juicing, chop the ginger (a little goes a long way) and cut the melon rind away and de seed the melon.  Then throw that in and serve chilled with some ice and yippee!  A healthy morning PEA!

Eat those veggies folks–but, if you can’t stand to eat them—Juice them!

Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, Humor, Nutrition, Organic, vegan, Weight Loss, Whole Food Leave a comment

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