I can’t wait for this! I think I have a girl crush on Kris Carr because of her fabulous fun-loving attitude and charisma–watch the trailer to her new book which is available to order at her website http://www.kriscarr.com
I can’t wait for this! I think I have a girl crush on Kris Carr because of her fabulous fun-loving attitude and charisma–watch the trailer to her new book which is available to order at her website http://www.kriscarr.com
I absolutely love this gal! She is an inspiration and I believe everyone is affected by cancer in their lives at one point or another. It may be a friend, loved one or themselves and it is always game changer. Kris stands for empowering yourself against disease and facing it with positivity. Her movie, books, newsletters, and blog are a daily inspiration for me and my patients. Take some time to watch this superhero gal in action in the trailer from her movie “Crazy Sexy Cancer”.
I’m Kris Carr, author of the New York Times Best Seller, “Crazy Sexy Diet,” and founder of Crazysexylife.com, an award-winning and fantabulous wellness site with daily articles from leading experts and cutting-edge resources for building vibrant health and happiness. My wake up call – a stage 4 cancer diagnosis, with no cure and no treatment (Zoinks!) – ignited a personal revolution and taught me how to take responsibility for my well-being at the deepest level imaginable. Now I want to show you how to step into your destiny and become the CEO of your own health. Radiance is your natural state. You can banish the blocks that hold you back with a plant-powered diet and Crazy Sexy lifestyle!
Each and every one of us has the power to ignite a wellness revolution in our kitchens. Change now. Get juiced now. Learn to live like you really mean it and teach others to do the same. By joining the revolution, you vow to wake up and take a stand for your well-being. No one can take better care of you than wise, brilliant, capable, and STRONG you.
This self-care thing is bigger than many of us imagine. The pursuit of personal health, spiritual wealth and happiness is actually a political statement, a peaceful protest and a powerful act of love. Why? Because in order to care for ourselves in a full-tilt-boogie-I’m gonna-walk-the- talk sorta way, we must rebel against the broken systems that support dis-ease and dismantle the status quo. We can’t wait for special interests, government policies, subsidies, agribusiness, factory farming, pharmaceutical industries and advertisers to change. But we can get off our sofas, vote with our forks and knives and heal the way we eat, drink and think.
Read the guiding principles of the Crazy Sexy diet and lifestyle I’ve outlined below and make these simple health habits stick. Get inspired – print it out, hang it on your fridge and read it daily! This step alone will have a huge impact on your life.
Keep in mind, this is just an overview of the guiding principles. To dig deep and make lasting changes, grab your copy of “Crazy Sexy Diet” here.
Make juice not war and remember, you are the change you’ve been waiting for… Peace & Revolution,
Kris Carr
Kris Carr is a vivacious dancer, actress, and filmmaker. She was born in 1971 (one year before me). She has appeared in the television series “Law and Order” and has played the ghost of Marilyn Monroe alongside Peter Falk in the film, “Mr Peter’s Connections.” On Valentine’s Day in 2003–she was diagnosed with stage IV
epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
which is a rare cancer affecting the liver and lungs. She chose to live and vowed to do anything it would take to cure herself of this debilitating disease. Please watch this inspiring video and see what incredible faith and gumption this gal had to overcome her disease and become a survivor!
We Should All Be So Strong!