What’s up doc? Carrot Juice

In the Twelfth century, Moors brought carrots to Europe and their healthy qualities spread to Europe, England,  and eventually to the New World.  Carrots are super antioxidants and belong to the same family as parsnips (ick–never tried one but I will).  These healthy eye brightening veggies have lots to offer!  Thank you to Michelle,  Angela MD’s Superjuicer, for this wonderful carrot juicing recipe!  Our entire office drank one today!  Of course we didn’t tell them the ingredients until after they finished the juice!  More to come tomorrow on our Kale juice experiment.

Best Carrot Juice (by superjuicer Michelle)

Juice (in your Omega 3 or juicer of choice)

4 large carrots

1/2 carton of blueberries

1 lb of strawberries

2 small peaches

1 slice of pineapple

1/2 carton of raspberries


2 tsp of nutmeg and ginger

Drink this amazing cocktail and you will have an eye whitening powerhouse of energy !


Posted on by Angela in disease, vegan, Weight Loss, Whole Food Leave a comment

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