
Freezing Lemons

Did you know that the lemon peel contains 5-10 more vitamins than the juice alone. Lemons are a great source of vitamin C and they help to alkalinize the body  (lower the pH–a good thing).  Lemons have been proven to help in weight loss;   improve bone health;  and have anti-depressant qualities.  Ironically, it was only a few years ago when I started learning to cook that I actually learned what lemon Zest was!

Here is a tip that I recently came across –If you buy Organic lemons–you can freeze them after a good washing and actually grate the entire lemon (peel and all) over salads or really any dish to add flavor and nutrients!

Lemons are considered excellent antimicrobials against fungal, parasitic and bacterial infections.

They are also used in cancer treatments.  Some studies actually show that they may have more benefit than actual chemotherapy  drugs.  That valuable source of  information comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world.  I won’t call them out now but let’s just say that dietary nutrients are pretty good at preventing and curing disease.

So here are my lemons ready to freeze.  They are all organic and washed with vinegar to remove any possible wax or chemical residue.  And don’t forget a nifty little stainless steel grater ready for action!!!


Posted on by Angela in Nutrition, Uncategorized, Whole Food 2 Comments

How to start your morning!

Here’s Drew’s Saturday Strategy–some good tips in this one!  Remember to visit

Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, Guest Blog, Nutrition, Whole Food Leave a comment

Toxic Emotions

Which of the following will cause you to get sick first?

1.  Eating Sugar

2.  Carbs

3.  Lack of Exercise

4.  Toxic Emotions


Yep –you got it—-Hatred, Guilt, Negativity, and Lack of Self Love—All of the above will cause you harm way before anything else.

I watched this Mindset Monday video by Drew Canole from and it really hit home.  I love his positive energy and honesty.  Check out his site and the iPhone App called fit life tv which is free and has tons of  great juicing recipes!

Here is a little background on Drew—

“Drew was born and raised in the small, rural community of Lake City in northern Michigan. After attending Central Michigan University, he launched a successful career in finance before recognizing that his greatest talent lied in motivating others. He currently resides in San Diego, where his work as author, fitness specialist and has made him one of the most reputable Personal Coaches in southern California.

Drew is committed to the conviction that people are at their best when challenged. He pushes others to bust through personal barriers and reach new heights in physical, mental and spiritual well-being.”



And with a quote from Drew—We’re in this together

Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, Mind, Nutrition, Organic, Weight Loss, Whole Food Leave a comment

Crazy busy is always an excuse!

These last two weeks have been crazy busy!

I haven’t eaten right and I fed my family take-out every single night for dinner!

I even gave my kids sugar to shut them up!  (Fruit Roll Ups- no doubt)

Crazy busy is always going to get us down.   Crazy is what crazy does!  (Yes- that’s a tweetable Forrest Gump like euphemism )

However, I got back to the gym for some yoga (ouch) and Zumba (#uncoordinated white girl) and will hit the Farmer’s Market in the morning to get back on track.

Baby Steps and Forgiveness!  We are all in this together!!!mind_over_matter

Posted on by Angela in Call to action, Humor, Uncategorized 1 Comment

Zits Gone Wild


I’ve been meaning to start dry brushing my skin.  Sounds crazy but I continue to hear about the benefits for detoxifying the body.  I first read about it in the “Crazy Sexy Cancer Diet” by Kris Carr.  She’s that gal that overcame an incredibly rare cancer by changing her lifestyle and diet for the better.  There is no doubt that the skin is the largest organ of the body and I have recently discovered a new appreciation for it.  I spent a few weeks dairy and grain free realizing that cheating with grain or dairy causes my skin to break out.  My skin is like my wing man, detoxifying me from that potentially bad beer goggled hook up.  So in my extreme efforts to avoid nasty zits gone wild,  I’ve continued to maintain a healthier (ish) diet.  I’ve developed a whole new respect for my main squeeze, wing man, skin suit which has me interested in better ways to nurture and care for it.

The benefits of dry brushing:

1.  Detoxification of the skin

2.  Improving lymphatic flow

3.  Increasing circulation

4.  Exfoliation

Emma and I headed to the local health food store and bought a natural bristled dry brush.  The techniques always include doing it first thing in the morning and brushing in motions toward the heart.  This stimulates lymphatic drainage and aides in detoxification.  We will keep you updated.  In the grand scheme of things, I’m not sure how it could hurt.  The plan for the next 2 weeks will be to try dry brushing before a shower and using coconut oil as a moisturizer.  It’s non-toxic and remember that Bath and Body Works/ Victoria’s Secret body lotion may smell amazing but they still contain toxic chemicals —if you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your body.


Posted on by Angela in Body, Nutrition, Organic, Whole Food Leave a comment

The Virgin Diet and 7 Amazing Doctors!

Hey wellness warriors!  You’ve seen these top doctors on TV and maybe have even read their books but here is a fabulous opportunity to listen to them speak first had for FREE!!!!!


Check this out here:


Starting tomorrow JJ Virgin is offering  a great opportunity to listen to 7 of the top doctors in nutrition including:

Dr. Sara Gottfried – author of  “The Hormone Cure”

Dr. William Davis-  author of  “Wheat Belly”

Free downloads by:

Dr.  Daniel Amen-  author of  “Change Your Brain, Change Your Body”

Dr.  Mark Hyman-  author of  “The Blood Sugar Solution”

and more—-you can register today to listen to the program that starts tomorrow –there should be some invaluable information shared and there are also free downloads and coupons available.

If you haven’t heard of JJ Virgin she is the author of  “The Virgin Diet”  A New York Times Best Seller


Check out this opportunity–

Dr Sara Gottfried Sara Gottfried, M.D. teaches women how to balance their hormones naturally so they can rock their mission. She is a Harvard-educated physician, speaker and author of The Hormone Cure (Simon & Schuster, 2013)She is board-certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology, and is regularly featured in magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Glamour, RedbookO Magazine, and Yoga Journal, and TV including The Ricki Lake Show and 20/20. Known for quoting Top 40 lyrics and effortlessly blending the seriousness of women’s health with playfulness and humor, Dr. Sara’s mission is to help women feel sexy and vital from their cells to their soul.
Dr. Alan Christianson Alan Christianson is a Phoenix, Arizona-based Naturopathic Medical Doctor (NMD) who specializes in endocrinology and hormone replacement with a focus on thyroid disorders. He founded Integrative Health, a group of physicians that focus on optimal wellness rather than disease. Accolades include Top Doc recipient in Phoenix magazine. Dr. Christianson’s publications include The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Thyroid Disease, Healing Hashimotos and the Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism Chapter of the 9th Edition of the Textbook of Natural Medicine. His numerous media appearances include The Today Show, The Doctors, CNN and Shape Magazine.
Dr. Anna Cabeca Dr. Anna Cabeca frequently lectures nationally and internationally regarding women’s health issues. She is an Emory University trained and board certified Gynecologist and Obstetrician, as well as certified in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, an expert in Functional Medicine, and an expert in women’s sexual health. She specializes in bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and natural alternatives, successful menopause, age management medicine, and sexual and reproductive health.  She is the co creator of, and creator of and  A mother of 5 and multi-lingual she brings an integrative world view to a reforming modern medical model.
Dr. Frank Lipman Founder of the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in New York City, Dr. Frank Lipman is an internationally recognized expert in the fields of Integrative and Functional medicine. For over 20 years his personal brand of healing has helped thousands of people reclaim their vitality and recover their zest for life. In 2010 he created Be Well by Dr. Frank Lipman, a line of cutting-edge, science-based nutritional supplements and health solutions. He is the author of two books, Total Renewal and Revive
Dr. Hyla Cass Nationally acclaimed innovator and expert in the fields of integrative medicine, psychiatry, and addiction recovery, board-certified psychiatrist Dr. Cass helps individuals withdraw safely and comfortably from addictive substances (including  medication), and enhance mind, mood and energy with the aid of natural supplements. She appears often as a guest on national radio and television, including The Dr. Oz Show and is the author of numerous articles and several popular books including:  The Addicted Brain and How to Break Free, Natural Highs8 Weeks to Vibrant Health, and Supplement your Prescription: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutrition. 
Dr. Michael Finkelstein After 20 years practicing western medicine, most notably as Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs and Chief of Medicine at Northern Westchester Hospital, Dr. Finkelstein pursued a more holistic approach to his work by founding a renowned wellness center, SunRaven in Bedford, NY. A nationally recognized radio show host, sought after expert contributor and soon-to-be published author of 77 Questions for Skillful Living, Dr. Finkelstein tirelessly promotes his concept of “Skillful Living,” the practice of treating the business of living healthy as a skill that must be developed with mindful, dedicated attention.  
Dr. Bill Davis William Davis, MD, asked the question: Why are so many people, who seem to do everything right, still overweight and unhealthy? Asking that question led him down the path of questioning whether the “eat more healthy whole grain” message was true. When he asked patients to remove all foods made of wheat, he witnessed profound and unexpected turnarounds in health: unprecedented amounts of weight loss and reversal of a long list of health conditions from acid reflux, to joint pain, to binge eating. This was the motivation to write Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight and Find Your Path Back to Health and the Wheat Belly Cookbook: 150 Recipes to Help You Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight and Find Your Path Back to HealthWheat Belly is now an international phenomenon, published in 17 languages and featured on the Dr. Oz Show, Live! With Kelly, CBS News, and other national media. Dr. Davis practices preventive cardiology in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.     also like her page on facebook or follow her on twitter!

Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Whole Food Leave a comment

The Perfect Storm

Thanks to Dr. Chris Nagy—-Please read his great article and feel free to share—
“Good health. Will America ever see or experience it again? No — not if we continue on our current path.The perfect storm of failing health and a failing health care system is upon us. We’re on a crash course with the collapse of optimal health in this country. The solution to reversing course doesn’t lie with the medical profession, medical system or some outside entity.

It lies with each of us. All Americans must do what is necessary to protect their families and themselves. There is no other option.

Here’s why. We’ve been addressing the urgent in our lives versus the important, often ignoring our own health in the process.

We’ve delegated the role of educating and caring for ourselves to those who “know better.” We no longer trust our intuitive intelligence about what is necessary to sustain optimal health.

That’s a growing concern because powerful forces are present that make and keep us patients and contribute to illness.

These forces act to limit the available facts necessary to travel the path to health.

When raw milk produced under sanitary conditions is illegal while thousands of chemicals, dyes and poisons are allowed into the food supply daily, there is a problem.

Next, consider this. The body of scientific research clearly demonstrates the path to health — yet, the conclusions are frequently skewed by opinion, financial motives and government regulation.

Publication bias demonstrates that research studies with positive findings are published while studies with negative findings are hidden from public view.

Evidenced-based medicine sounds good in principle, but when the evidence is often flawed or skewed by statistical manipulation, there is little benefit to the findings.

Bottom line: Our current research system is not always set up to find the absolute truth, but often to demonstrate a positive result supporting the use of a drug.

Our medical system is not designed to prevent disease. The current system is primarily based on managing and treating disease, not necessarily preventing or curing it.

We have worshiped at the altar of medicine for too long and need to question its fallibility if we are to improve the system.

The cure for many modern diseases is possible, but the current state of medicine is not structured to support it. We focus too much management, as if cure is not possible.

Physicians are often reticent to admit or even consider the possibility that there is something beyond what the medical profession teaches.

Asking the current medical system to cure disease is similar to asking the government for advice on the best way to save money and reduce waste.

When a system encourages the consumption of medication, but doesn’t encourage the consumption of vital and necessary nutrients, there is work to be done.

We need a marriage of science, medicine and facts to guide us in the right direction.

You cannot medicate your way to health.

Promoting health while ignoring prevention is no different from rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Soon, we all will have access to care—but if it is poor care, are we any better off?

What you need to know. Good health occurs by addressing the following five areas.

• Proper nutrition

• Activity/exercise

• Youthful hormone balance

• Nutrient optimization

• Stress levels

Each of these areas must be optimized to support and improve health. There are many key considerations when addressing these powerhouse five areas.

Each serves as a starting point for maximized health.

We are digging our graves with our teeth. The root cause of modern disease is based on the foods we eat. Our food supply is adulterated on so many levels that many of us go through the day consuming edible food-like substances rather than any real food.

Unless we understand the value of eating real food, improvement will be limited. Superior health starts with the proper nutrition.

Patients are frequently told that diet plays a minor role in disease, its improvement or progression.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

You cannot fully heal a part of the body without healing the whole body—and diet is a major part of that.

Nourish health and disease will disappear as a side effect.

When asked if it bothers me that I don’t eat like everybody else, my response is, “Not when I see how poorly everybody else is doing.” It’s time to grow up nutritionally.

The path to health has been hidden for many reasons. It is incumbent upon us to uncover the path and do what is necessary to reclaim our right to optimal health.

It’s not difficult. It’s merely a change of mindset. Change your mind and the body will follow. It all starts with the brain.

There are numerous resources available for those interested in creating an abundant, healthy life.

Dig deeper, uncover the truth, find a trusted confidante and share the journey. Health multiplies everything, better relationships, more confidence and more peace.

Continuing to rely on and follow the many established consensus thoughts and opinions on health will lead to more of the same.

Trust the innate wisdom of our grandparents and ancestors prior to the introduction of modern, industrialized food. You’ll live a better, healthier life, not one subject to modern disease, many of which are becoming more prevalent in our society.

The health care change you need . . . starts with you.”

Chris K. Nagy is the Chief Medical Officer of Cenegenics Carolinas in Charlotte


Posted on by Angela in Mind, Spirit, Uncategorized Leave a comment

Herbs for Thyroid Help

So that tiny little gland just below your neck is responsible for regulating metabolic processes—The Thyroid–Did you always think that you might have an under active thyroid?  Did you realize that the range that determines thyroid activity on lab testing is huge and isn’t the most accurate measure of thyroid function?  Here are a few herbs that improve thyroid health and you can learn more HERE.



Here are five herbs that are beneficial for thyroid health:

1.  Licorice -this herb maintains balance among glands and has been shown potentially inhibit growth of highly invasive thyroid cancer cells

2.  Bugle- may be effective in alleviating symptoms of hyperthyroidism

3.  Ashwaganda- this herb has antioxidant properties that help the thyroid produce hormones.  It also helps the body fight stress and has anti inflammatory effects.

4.  Flaxseed – rich in essential omega 3 fatty acids helps boost thyroid hormone production

5.  Black Walnut – considered one of the richest sources of iodine which is an essential nutrient for the thyroid

05fcecbd8b84eae588d8cc061f446864Don’t forget that this weekend THE THYROID SESSIONS begin–all of the top thyroid experts gather to give free information on everything your doctor didn’t tell you about thyroid problems!!!  (Not this doctor)  Make sure you sign up HERE considering it is Free and will give tons of need to know information.

Posted on by Angela in Diet, disease, Nutrition, Whole Food Leave a comment

Who do you believe?

So a really interesting topic came up yesterday after the WTHR Health Expo. A few nurses in my office were discussing all of the conflicting advice that they received at the Expo. Some booths offered holistic healing ideas, some had supplements, some had procedures ETC. They even heard demonstrations stating that there isn’t a difference between natural,organic products versus non-organic/processed products. This raises an interesting question. Who do you believe? I opened an email from the Natural News today that addressed that exact question and I felt it pertinent to share. They wrote an interesting article explaining an easy way to tell the difference between good and evil. It’s about understanding the spectrum of power and making decisions on empowerment versus control.

I don’t want to plagiarise because the key points are obvious:

1. What does the person giving you the information stand to get from it?
2. Does the information benefit you without consequences?
3. Is there monetary gain involved?

I think you can measure a lot of relationships in this fashion.  It’s about straight up good versus evil. Trust your gut and go with what you feel is right. The person with the tribe that is on the right track–doesn’t really expect much in return for empowering you with good information.874bbe55e42a6801631b1008f4515f33

Posted on by Angela in disease, Nutrition, Whole Food 1 Comment

Ziti Casserole

imagesHere’s a sneak peek at Sunday’s WTHR Health and Wellness Expo recipe!  Patients submitted their favorite recipes to be reviewed and revamped with healthy substitutions.  This Baked Ziti recipe will be featured at the Fresh Eats Stage.

Ziti Casserole


  • butter
  • 16oz ziti
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 cup chopped onion
  • 1 cup chopped bell pepper
  • ½ cup sliced mushrooms
  • 1 jar of spaghetti sauce
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 can diced tomatoes
  • salt and black pepper
  • 4 cups shredded mozzarella and cheddar cheese

Healthier Ziti Casserole (Prepare this Recipe)


  • cooking sprayimages
  • 16oz 100% whole grain ziti
  • 1 pound ground turkey
  • 1 cup onion
  • 2 cups bell peppers
  • 1 package sliced mushrooms
  • 1 jar spaghetti sauce
  • 1 can low-fat cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 can no salt added diced tomatoes,
  • black pepper (no salt)
  • ¼ cups shredded mozzarella and cheddar cheese

Here are a few other tips and substitutions.  Be sure to use extra virgin olive oil cooking spray and not canola or vegetable.  All the veggies would be healthier if they were used fresh rather than canned.  The cheese is much healthier if you grate it yourself from a brick as the pre-shredded cheeses often have extra preservatives added.  If you are gluten intolerant–you could substitute a gluten-free noodle.  If you are real adventurous, you could make your own ziti noodles using almond or coconut flour.  Try and by organic brands if possible.  And, of course, it’s best to get your ground turkey from a local farm.  We can’t all do these things as they are expensive and more time-consuming.  Remember any little change you make to be healthier counts!  Baby steps!





  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Instead of greasing your pan with butter, coat a 13x9x2 inch baking dish with cooking spray.
  2. Cook pasta according to package directions.
  3. Coat large skillet with cooking spray instead of using olive oil.
  4. Brown ground turkey. Add onion, bell peppers and mushrooms and sauté until tender.
  5. Stir in spaghetti sauce, low-fat cream of mushroom soup and no salt added diced tomatoes. Stir until sauce is heated through. Add pepper to taste.
  6. Spread pasta in baking dish. Spoon sauce over the pasta. Top with cheese.
  7. Bake for 20-30 minutes until hot and bubbly. Top with parmesan cheese.


Recipe reviewed by Indiana University Health Registered Dietician, Julie Pike.


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