The Perfect Storm

Thanks to Dr. Chris Nagy—-Please read his great article and feel free to share—
“Good health. Will America ever see or experience it again? No — not if we continue on our current path.The perfect storm of failing health and a failing health care system is upon us. We’re on a crash course with the collapse of optimal health in this country. The solution to reversing course doesn’t lie with the medical profession, medical system or some outside entity.

It lies with each of us. All Americans must do what is necessary to protect their families and themselves. There is no other option.

Here’s why. We’ve been addressing the urgent in our lives versus the important, often ignoring our own health in the process.

We’ve delegated the role of educating and caring for ourselves to those who “know better.” We no longer trust our intuitive intelligence about what is necessary to sustain optimal health.

That’s a growing concern because powerful forces are present that make and keep us patients and contribute to illness.

These forces act to limit the available facts necessary to travel the path to health.

When raw milk produced under sanitary conditions is illegal while thousands of chemicals, dyes and poisons are allowed into the food supply daily, there is a problem.

Next, consider this. The body of scientific research clearly demonstrates the path to health — yet, the conclusions are frequently skewed by opinion, financial motives and government regulation.

Publication bias demonstrates that research studies with positive findings are published while studies with negative findings are hidden from public view.

Evidenced-based medicine sounds good in principle, but when the evidence is often flawed or skewed by statistical manipulation, there is little benefit to the findings.

Bottom line: Our current research system is not always set up to find the absolute truth, but often to demonstrate a positive result supporting the use of a drug.

Our medical system is not designed to prevent disease. The current system is primarily based on managing and treating disease, not necessarily preventing or curing it.

We have worshiped at the altar of medicine for too long and need to question its fallibility if we are to improve the system.

The cure for many modern diseases is possible, but the current state of medicine is not structured to support it. We focus too much management, as if cure is not possible.

Physicians are often reticent to admit or even consider the possibility that there is something beyond what the medical profession teaches.

Asking the current medical system to cure disease is similar to asking the government for advice on the best way to save money and reduce waste.

When a system encourages the consumption of medication, but doesn’t encourage the consumption of vital and necessary nutrients, there is work to be done.

We need a marriage of science, medicine and facts to guide us in the right direction.

You cannot medicate your way to health.

Promoting health while ignoring prevention is no different from rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Soon, we all will have access to care—but if it is poor care, are we any better off?

What you need to know. Good health occurs by addressing the following five areas.

• Proper nutrition

• Activity/exercise

• Youthful hormone balance

• Nutrient optimization

• Stress levels

Each of these areas must be optimized to support and improve health. There are many key considerations when addressing these powerhouse five areas.

Each serves as a starting point for maximized health.

We are digging our graves with our teeth. The root cause of modern disease is based on the foods we eat. Our food supply is adulterated on so many levels that many of us go through the day consuming edible food-like substances rather than any real food.

Unless we understand the value of eating real food, improvement will be limited. Superior health starts with the proper nutrition.

Patients are frequently told that diet plays a minor role in disease, its improvement or progression.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

You cannot fully heal a part of the body without healing the whole body—and diet is a major part of that.

Nourish health and disease will disappear as a side effect.

When asked if it bothers me that I don’t eat like everybody else, my response is, “Not when I see how poorly everybody else is doing.” It’s time to grow up nutritionally.

The path to health has been hidden for many reasons. It is incumbent upon us to uncover the path and do what is necessary to reclaim our right to optimal health.

It’s not difficult. It’s merely a change of mindset. Change your mind and the body will follow. It all starts with the brain.

There are numerous resources available for those interested in creating an abundant, healthy life.

Dig deeper, uncover the truth, find a trusted confidante and share the journey. Health multiplies everything, better relationships, more confidence and more peace.

Continuing to rely on and follow the many established consensus thoughts and opinions on health will lead to more of the same.

Trust the innate wisdom of our grandparents and ancestors prior to the introduction of modern, industrialized food. You’ll live a better, healthier life, not one subject to modern disease, many of which are becoming more prevalent in our society.

The health care change you need . . . starts with you.”

Chris K. Nagy is the Chief Medical Officer of Cenegenics Carolinas in Charlotte


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