We’re putting it in the wrong hole!

So this weekend I am painting my 8-year-old daughter’s room (bright teal for the DIVA EMMA) and I have been catching up on my new favorite podcast!  The Food Heals Podcast—  I just listened to the truly inspirational story of Evita Ramparte.   In the year 2000, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and began an enlightening journey of detoxification and emotional and physical healing thru changing her diet.   She was inspired by a lady on New Year’s Eve who gave her set instructions on how to heal.  She starts this whole process off  by fasting and doing a COFFEE ENEMA— yep you heard me   —-EEk !!!  The podcast hosts (Suzy and Allison) had me rolling on the floor laughing when they exclaimed “We’re putting it in the Wrong Hole!”  So far-I’m with them–I like to drink my coffee and maybe on a whim, put the coffee grounds in my garden.


My initial thought was on the logistics of how to actually do the enema.  Do you use organic coffee?  Does it have to be warm?  How do you do that without your family finding out?  Do your farts start smelling like hazelnut?????

I may have been a little high on paint fumes after that second coat of primer because when I stumbled upon a great link on how to do a coffee enema while perusing Facebook, I felt like the Universe was luring me into this world of detox and poop!  My friend Dr Christopher Nagy (Yourpersonalwellness.com) is always sharing a wealth of holistic information and I figured if he thinks it’s post worthy –it’s worth checking out.

I haven’t tried it yet but after reading all the health benefits — I may actually do it —Don’t worry- I won’t post pictures!a3ef587aff52ed01b2a9b5a67f5e7892

Here is the LINK  that Dr Nagy shared on liver detoxification and coffee enemas –I found it quite informative     http://www.mygutsy.com/the-ultimate-liver-detox-coffee-enemas

There is great information in this post.  She explains the many functions of the liver and how to determine if you have symptoms of a toxic liver.  Oh yes– and step by step instructions on how do one at home.

Coffee enemas aren’t a new concept –They have been used for years and were popular in healing cancer at the famous The Gerson Institute.  For more information on Dr. Max Gerson and his cancer treatments –see this BLOGPOST


If you aren’t “gutsy” enough to try the coffee enema –check these other LIVER DETOX options.

Share in the comments below if you or anyone you know has tips or any experience with them.  We don’t judge here and won’t share your name!  We are all in this together!!

Posted on by Angela in Body, cancer, Diet, disease 2 Comments

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