Getting Glutened—Episode 3


Thanks Sandy —for sharing more of your gluten free adventures with us!

“So last night, I got some cereal boxes mixed up and accidentally may have eaten some gluten. It was honey nut cheerios, but I wasn’t paying close attention and thought I picked up honey nut Chex. You’d think I might have noticed the difference in size and shape of the cereal in the bowl, but I had my head elsewhere and didn’t notice. (Some of you may have guesses as to where my head was, so I’d like to clear that up right now…it was in a book….that place my mother was always telling me to get it out of…turns out she may have been right.)

When I realized my error, I read the label and thought “Ah, that’s okay. This is mostly oats.” I chose to ignore the part at the bottom of the ingredients list that said “may contain wheat.”

I enjoyed my bedtime snack, read a little longer, and went to bed, thinking “that’s okay…not that big a deal…you probably won’t notice any difference.”

Until about 3:30 this morning when my guts woke me up with their cramping. Really? Really?! More evidence, I guess, that gluten-free is the path for me. I haven’t had that happen in a couple of weeks now.”05a903eecbbabcb6bd2e3d855edd80c7


Here are a few tips to recover from



1.  Cleanse your system quickly:  This includes hydration above and beyond your usual requirement of 1/2 your body weight in ounces.  A great way to hydrate and detox is to use coconut water –it also contains electrolytes that can be lost via vomiting or diarrhea (It’s nature’s Gatorade)

2.  Try some digestive enzymes:  they speed up the breakdown and absorption of nutrients.  Make sure you get one that contains the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase(DPP-IV) which specifically breaks down gluten

3.  Decrease inflammation with omega 3 fatty acids, ginger, or turmeric –these supplements all have fabulous anti-inflammatory qualities.  I take THIS

4.  Heal your gut using probiotics.  I would recommend doubling up on your probiotic (up to 100 billion units/day) for about a week after gluten exposure.  I take THIS

5.  Use bone broth that is high in glycine and proline.  The gelatin heals  the mucosal lining of the gi tract.

Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, Nutrition, Weight Loss Leave a comment

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