Smoothie Posse Pre-Holiday Smoothiefest


Meet Amy—Smoothie Posse Queen

“The Smoothie Posse Pre-Holiday Smoothiefest”  is about to begin!  Sorry for the short notice but there is no better time than now. All Angela MD Wellness Warriors are invited to join our challenge to replace up to 3 meals daily with a healthy whole food smoothies for a week to ten days—or as long as you can take it.    More to come tomorrow as we post our recipes and shopping lists for next week’s endeavor –My friend Amy posted this challenge on Facebook  last week and she had 27 people on board to start out the holiday season eating and drinking wholesome fruits and veggies!   We go into the holidays guiltless with a healthy mindset completely compensated and prepped for any overindulgence we may face.  We will face it without shame after restoring our bodies with real nutrition.   We will share all the bitchy withdrawal symptoms we may experience so be prepared –this S*#T is REAL!    You don’t have to own a juicer, blender or fancy kitchen utensils to participate.  We have accounted for all that.  My dear friend Amy and I have reconnected on Facebook since high school–she was an amazing cross-country athlete and I was a nerdy dork.  She then went on to study exercise physiology at the University of Texas and become a personal trainer and running coach.  I went on to medical school learning how to treat sick people instead of preventing disease with nutrition and wellness.    As my daughter Ciara shared after her high school senior retreat,  “I absolutely loved hearing everyone’s story and am sad that there were so many people in high school I should have tried to get to know better!”  Did I remind you that this child is wise beyond her years?  Don’t get too excited since she still doesn’t know how to change a toilet paper roll at age 19.  It is sad that Amy and I didn’t spend more time together back then considering we share so many beliefs. This is one time  I am grateful to Facebook for helping me reconnect.  So game on people–tomorrow I will be posting menus and plans–the whole point is to try to eat real food for as long as we can!  We are doing smoothies,  juices, and whole foods only!  Please join in gang —you can do 1 day at a time without commitment.  I will be posting shopping lists and recipes that we tried over this past week tomorrow for anyone willing to give this a try!


Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, Exercise, Nutrition, Uncategorized, Weight Loss, Whole Food Leave a comment

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