Are you up for a challenge?

How about a pre holiday challenge–Screw waiting for the new year to make resolutions–Let’s hit the new year on the ground running.  This is why our wellness patients decided to start the Biggest Loser contest on November 1st.  They wanted to attack those holiday parties feeling healthy and fit.  Not only are we all going to look and feel better for those parties, we aren’t going to feel guilty if we fall off the wagon and overindulged because we are already doing the work!  Congrats to most wellness participants whom have already lost 2-3 pounds before we even hit the month of December!  Besides, the only reason we are even using the scales is to determine a grand prize winner.  Everyone comes out a winner despite how much they lose because this isn’t about pounds.  This is about nourishing our minds, bodies, and souls with REAL FOOD!  I am going to be telling you this week about a program we are excited to start.  A few of us are testing the waters this week so we can determine what kind of resources and information will be most helpful to you!  Stay tuned for more information and SPOILER alert:  It may involve smoothies!

Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Whole Food Leave a comment

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