Exercise Apps

So I’m sending a shout out to submit your favorite smart phone exercise apps!   My personal favorite is RUNKEEPER.

This app works not only for runners, but for walkers too! It’s for anyone who is just starting to move, and for experienced runners. It tracks your time, pace, even the exact route using GPS coordinates. This email just came into my mailbox and it reminded me to spread the word plus it has a great new feature for setting goals through your cell phone or on the web or both. This is what the email contained:  “Here at Runkeeper, we’re always trying to help you better achieve your fitness goals. We know that many of you aren’t just tracking your workouts for the sake of tracking, but have specific goals that you are trying to achieve. We wanted to make it easier for you to hold yourself accountable towards achieving those goals. And for those of you that don’t have goals yet, what better time to start? We’re pleased to announce that you can now set specific goals on your RunKeeper profile page and see how you are doing against those goals over time. You can set four types of goals: achieve a specific distance by a certain date, finish a race, lose a certain amount of weight, achieve a cumulative distance. For extra motivation, you can share these goals through Facebook or Twitter.” I’m going to log in now and set a goal to lose 20 pounds as an attainable somewhat short-term goal and to walk 50 miles. Let me know what your goals are with a comment below!

Let’s do this Marines!—we can get healthy together if we try!

Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, Exercise, Nutrition, Weight Loss 2 Comments

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