Attack of the 30lb Sumo

A few months ago, after listening to me nag, one of my BFF’s decided to do a cleansing/detox diet to get healthy.  She has 4 lovely children, a full time job, and a crazy busy life.  Jody is the most fabulous cook and often drops gourmet meals off for us on a whim.  I think we have a kindred connection because those are usually the days I am driving home from work thinking I’m too exhausted to cook and will go postal on my family the first time someone asks “When’s dinner?”  The girls are all just chomping at the bit to jump away from their phones and computers to lend a hand.  NOT!  Then I’ll ask for help, they will roll their eyes and then proceed  to bicker with each other the entire time.  It’s difficult to cook when you are peeling Emma off of Sid’s back when she has attacked like a sumo wrestler.  Jody just knows–she should, she’s a mom.  She and her sister, Dee, are incredibly creative, whitty, and enjoy life.  They have started feeling so much better after changing their diets, they were inspired to share their story.

Let me introduce Jody and Dee’s mission  “Food Forethought”


Food For Thought, Food Forethought

We all think about food. Most of us even have emotional experience relating to liking food, disliking food, craving food, loving food. At some point as an adult, we start to think about food based upon how it makes us feel after we’ve eaten it. When dieting, we obsess about everything that’s on the “don’t eat” list. What do you think happens when one tells herself “I can’t have cheesecake, I can’t have cheesecake, I can’t have cheesecake” incessantly? You will likely give your right arm at the end of the day for a piece of cheesecake. The aftermath of guilt and digestive agony is a recurring nightmare.

Here’s our plan: let’s think about food, what we CAN eat, before we eat it. Food is so much fun! If you look at what the earth provides us, rich in color and nutrition and taste, it’s amazing. We want to take a look at healthy and flavorful recipe options that will change your mind, and change your health.

Here’s the interesting part (and the disclaimer): the contributors of this site are not physicians, not nutritionists, and not culinary experts. We are parents, spouses, full-time office workers, neighbors, and friends. We are on this journey with you, adapting common comfort foods for a healthier life.

As we get to know each other, we will share our secrets and successes and we will encourage each other to persist in this journey to better health.  We can do this!


Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, Family, Guest Blog, Humor, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Whole Food 1 Comment

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