Depression Sessions

746262c0fe9f0db65f068e115a56adfeDid you know that birth control pills will deplete your stores of zinc, magnesium, and B vitamins which could lead to hypothyroidism or depression?

Did you know that statin drugs deplete your coenzyme Q10, selenium and vitamin D and Bam you have migraine and leg cramps.

Even coffee is a mugger of magnesium. Alcohol depletes thiamin (B1).

Basically, a lot of the foods and medicines (even over the counter) are robbing our bodies of essential nutrients needed to make important neurotransmitters (feel good chemicals) in our bodies.  It’s no wonder that 7% of the population is on anti-depressant meds and that prescriptions written for these meds have skyrocketed since 1998.

These are just a few of the things you will learn if you sign up for the Free –“Depression Session” put together by underground

There are 22 medical doctors, naturopaths, nutritionists and bestselling authors that reveal the root causes of depression and what to do about it.  They start Sunday morning and are absolutely free to sign up for.

I’ve listened to them all and there is some amazing information in here!  I’ll be posting more now that the chaos of the last few weeks of school is over and try to highlight some of the big points for you.

Go to

For more info —go to the previous Thyroid Sessions post as well


Posted on by Angela in Diet, Mind, Spirit Leave a comment

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