Homemade Pickles

10592908-largeHomemade Pickles

What you will need:

cucumbers (3-4)

2 cloves of garlic

2 sprigs of fresh dill (the flowered heads of the dill taste the best for these pickles, so use them if you can get them)

½ tsp coriander seeds

¼ tsp mustard seeds

¼ tsp whole peppercorns

1/8 tsp red pepper flakes

2 cups of water

1 T sea salt

Here is how we roll

First, decide what size of cucumbers you want to make.  I prefer sliced dill but the kids like the sandwich slices.  Remember that the sliced cucumbers will ferment faster than whole cucumbers.  Put them in a ball jar (or jar of your choice) and add your spices on top.  Then, mix the water and sea salt together until the salt is dissolved.  Pour the mixture over the cucumbers making sure that they are all submerged!  Be sure and leave some space at the top of the jar.  Bah Bahm!  That’s all there is to it!!!

Top off the jar and let it sit on the counter for 3 days.  Then put the jar in the fridge which stops the fermentation process.  The pickles will then keep in the fridge for around 6 months!

You may see a white film or mold at the top of the jar–it is harmless and is just yeast from the fermentation process –just skim that off.

So for all of you hesitant to make your own Probiotics after reading that exhausting handout–this is an easy way to supplement your diet with some inexpensive fermented foods!


Posted on by Angela in Diet, Nutrition 2 Comments

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