The Five to One Rule–A Love/Hate Relationship

874bbe55e42a6801631b1008f4515f33Psychologists can read verbal and physical clues between a couple in the first few minutes of interacting with them.  I recently learned of a theory that could predict whether a couple will stay together that is incredibly accurate and relatively simple.  It’s called the 5:1 rule.  For every one negative comment or physical gesture, the couples that had five positive ones to every one negative were most likely to make it in their relationships.  For example, a positive touch, glance or affirmation for the other person strongly outweighs a negative/judgemental comment.  I have looked around at my relationships with all the people in my life–the most positive relationships are reassuring and create  positive energy.  I am challenging myself this week to try to outweigh any negative thought even toward myself with 5 positives.  I challenge you to look at the most positive relationships in your life that you have and see if this concept applies?

Posted on by Angela in Call to action, disease, Mind, Nutrition, Spirit Leave a comment

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