Pass the salt!

Contrary to popular belief, I don’t think salt is a bad thing.  Actually epsom salts made of magnesium sulfate have great medicinal properties when absorbed through the skin.  The biggest benefit is that it helps replete magnesium in the body.  This helps with muscle cramping often associated with chronic dehydration (from too much Mtn Dew), works as an anti-inflammatory, and removes dead skin.  The biggest benefit is that magnesium helps raise serotonin levels which elevate mood and concentration.  With most of the country suffering from adrenal fatigue, we could all use a little elevation in mood.  Last but not least,  and most important for me, it will help relieve foot odor.  I have two children I need to douse in epsom salts baths tonight.  The stench radiating from our house is unreal!

Posted on by Angela in Diet, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Whole Food 2 Comments

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