Finding a New Primary Care Doctor

A Big Thanks To Leslie at for this great advice Thanks to Leslie at Read more

The Rollercoaster of Life

Grandma: "I always wanted to go again. You know, it was just so interesting that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited, and so thrilled all together! Some didn't like Read more

Sheltering at Home/Covid 19

Never in the last two decades of my career as a physician would I have imagined that we would be using the same mask to see patients all day and then sterilizing/recycling them at the end of the day. Read more

Turmeric Health Benefits

Have you ever wondered what the paste is applied to the bride and groom's faces and arms in Indian weddings?  It's actually the spice turmeric.  Turmeric is the ingredient in curry that gives it a vibrant yellow color.  Actually, Read more

COVID 19 Precautions

With the scare of COVID here in the USA now, I wanted to post a little info about boosting immunity to prevent contracting the virus. Here are some important facts about Covid-19 It is spread by contact with Read more

Natural Tips for Avoiding Colds

This cold and flu season is still upon us and unfortunately, many patients are still being plagued by these nasty viral symptoms.  Here are a few tips to try if you feel like you are coming down with something. Of Read more

Sherry's Story

Sherry has a great story.  She has been diabetic for years and she has made some massive changes!   "I have been on a lifestyle change. It has been a year following a ketogenic food plan.  When I started this journey Read more

Pharmacy to Farmacy

Many of you may know Erin-- the fabulous Pharm D that worked in our office a few years back.  Erin is a phenomenal gal and we embarked on the journey  into natural medicine around the same time.  As we both Read more

weight gain

The Gluten Free Saga with Superhero Sandy–Episode 1

My superhero patient/friend, Sandy , has allowed me to share some of her story with you.   I am uber (is that a word?) grateful.  If this post relates to any reader or helps anyone–our mission is accomplished.  We are all in this together so Sandy and I are just sharing the experience!

Sandy has Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Basically in my dumbed down nutshell—-her body’s immune system has declared war on her thyroid and is attacking it. She has antibodies against her very own thyroid gland. She had been complaining of weight gain, fatigue, muscle aches, anxiety, depression, and many of the other vague ,yet debilitating symptoms that thyroid issues can cause.

For more NERD detail on Hashimoto’s–check out this




This is the first episode in Sandy’s saga–please follow along

Sandy shares:

“So my doctor’s office just called, and I need to seriously start a gluten-free diet immediately. Thyroid antibodies. Anti-inflammatories. Selenium. No bread, no grains. But wait. It’s 5:00. Vodka is made from potatoes, right?”

Crap–that would be my first reaction too!!! Who wants to eliminate everything from their diet? Nobody!!!

Here is my advice Sandy—

Chopin–black label made from potatoes

Ciroc–blue label made from grapes

Tito’s —made from corn

images Cîroc_vodka images

YES—I realize that an autoimmune protocol diet eliminates grain, dairy and alcohol–but, remember those famous words from JOEL  –sometimes you gotta say “What The F%$K”

Baby steps Sandy–we will get you feeling better soon!  She promises to keep us posted on her gluten-free journey!

Posted on by Angela in Diet, Nutrition, Whole Food Leave a comment

What Thyroid Tests Do I Ask My Doctor to Order?

I just watched the first 3 presentations!!  I’ve already learned more about the thyroid than I did in medical school!!!

This is invaluable stuff!–Do you have questions about what supplements you should be taking, what tests you should be asking for, what medications are best?  Register now for free to listen to these in 48 hour timeframes.  I will keep you all updated on what I learn, but some extra ears always help.  Empower yourselves against thyroid disease—Nobody else cares more about your health than YOU!

Register HERE


#anxiety, #depression, #hairloss,  #heartdisease,  #infertility, #obesity, #chriskresser



Posted on by Angela in Nutrition, Weight Loss, Whole Food 2 Comments

The Thyroid Sessions

Ok guys–so I am really excited about this one!!!  Sean Croxton (my Fromance-real food romance)  has put together an incredible compilation of the top docs in the country to teach us everything we need to know about thyroid disease.  I have so many patients with thyroid disease and I can’t believe the misconceptions about treatment in traditional medicine.  If you have any problems with your thyroid or even know someone who does —I really encourage you to register for The Thyroid Sessions–  Here is Sean’s plan and rundown for the Free Sessions–

Sean writes:

Your thyroid runs the show.  Most importantly, it controls your metabolism. That’s a pretty big deal…

When your thyroid isn’t functioning up to par it can leave you feeling exhausted, overweight, freezing, depressed, constipated, brain foggy, and more.

A few months ago I checked the statistics and found out that over 200 million people worldwide have a thyroid disorder. Only half have been properly diagnosed. And even less are receiving the right treatment.

Sadly, Western medicine has fallen behind when it comes to the latest research on the causes and treatments — both natural and synthetic — for thyroid problems.

And that’s why I’ve brought together a couple dozen of the world’s most knowledgeable experts to teach you EVERYTHING your doctor didn’t tell you about thyroid disorders.

And I mean everything


Chris Kresser reveals the shocking truth about “normal ranges”.


Dr. Dan Kalish walks you through a simple, inexpensive way to test your thyroid at home.


Dr. Kelly Austin shows you how to avoid fillers like gluten and lactose in thyroid meds.


Dr. Alan Christianson teaches you how to shrink thyroid nodules…naturally.


Christa Orecchio discusses real food and lifestyle strategies for hyperthyroid and Graves’ disease.


Dr. Sara Gottfried shows you how to lose weight when your thyroid is off.




The Thyroid Sessions will launch Sunday, May 4th and end Saturday, May 10th. The event will include: 

– 10 expert on-camera interviews 
– 2 cooking demos 
– 12-15 bonus web videos (Google Hangout recordings) 
– a few really cool features I’m keeping Top Secret for now 🙂 

Instead of our usual 24-hour free viewing period, I will be leaving the 10 interviews and 2 cooking demos open for viewing from Sunday thru Friday, making the final day (Saturday) an Encore Day for our most popular presentations. 

The 12-15 bonus videos will only be available to those who order The Thyroid Sessions Boxed Set, which will include the 10 on-camera interviews, cooking demos, transcripts, bonus videos, and other goodies.


Register for The Thyroid Sessions  HERE

Order The Thyroid Sessions Boxed Set  HERE

Posted on by Angela in disease, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Whole Food Leave a comment

Stress–is it killing you?











There is no doubt in my mind that chronic unrelenting stress makes you sick!  It inhibits fat loss by way of elevating the hormone cortisol.  Cortisol robs the body of metabolic muscle tissue and messes with your hormone levels.  Unfortunately, today’s society leaves most of us feeling overworked and unrested.  Our current culture thrives on material rewards, debt and drama.  Needless to say,  it’s no wonder we are all fat, sick, and nearly dead.  Here is a little description of how the HPA axis works to cause weight gain.

1.  Stress causes the hypothalamus to produce CRH (corticotropin releasing hormone) to the pituitary gland.

2.  The pituitary gland then releases ACTH (adrenocorticotropin) to head to the adrenal gland.

3.  The adrenal gland then receives the ACTH and starts producing cortisol.

4.  When the hypothalamus senses the cortisol production is up—it turns off the production of CRH

Under normal conditions, the body programs a perfect cycle to rev up cortisol production and then shut it back down.  However, if you continue to have unrelenting stress constantly –the cycle revs up and begins to dysfunction with the constant ups and downs of cortisol levels.  Imagine if you were constantly washing your favorite pair of jeans, drying them and then rewashing –eventually, the jeans wear out and the machine breaks!

So why does stress give you belly fat?  There are 4 more times cortisol receptors in abdominal fat versus subcutaneous fat.

Breathe, Live in the Moment, Smell the Roses, and Relax!

Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, Nutrition, vegan, Weight Loss Leave a comment

Pass the Salt

90% of Americans age 2 and older eat too much salt!  In fact, the average American eats around 3436mg daily!!!  This is amazing considering that less than 1500mg daily is required for prevention of high blood pressure.  In a nutshell, here is what high sodium intake does to the body.

1.  Extra sodium alters the sodium/potassium balance that is necessary for the kidneys to remove extra fluid from the body.  The extra fluid increases blood pressure and strains the blood vessels supplying blood to the kidney

2.  The higher blood pressure puts a strain on the arteries causing the tissue to become thicker and stronger which then even elevates the pressure more.  If left untreated, the arteries can burst or become clogged allowing for decreased nutrients and oxygen flow to organs

3.  High blood pressure ultimately damages the arteries to the heart and brain which can eventually lead to a heart attack or stroke.


Salt/Sodium Labeling Woes

Sodium free—-this means there is less than 5mg per serving—-

Very low sodium—this means 35mg or less per serving

Low sodium—means 140mg or less per serving

Reduced sodium—means it is reduced by 25% per serving

Light sodium—is reduced by 50%


Here are some little tips to reducing your sodium intake:

Rinse canned foods (vegetables, beans, tuna etc)

Take the salt shaker off the table

When eating out, ask the waiter to hold the salt

Read the food labels!!!!

Shoot for less than 3000mg daily

Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, disease, Nutrition, vegan, Weight Loss, Whole Food Leave a comment

Food Additive Intolerance

Are foods or food additives making you sick?  Could it be as simple as Susan’s cure for Lupus by eliminating Red Dye #40?  Well, here is my solution for you—Order an ALCAT test!

Many years ago Lucretius expressed the basic concept for The ALCAT Test. He stated, “One man’s meat is another man’s poison.” Now more than ever, diet plays a critical role in preventing a wide range of degenerative diseases and premature aging. The immune system is a double-edged sword. It should react appropriately and protect against infection when confronted with harmful invaders or “infectious agents” like viruses or bacteria. Unfortunately for some, exposure to common foods, chemicals and molds may trigger chronic activation of the immune system. For over 20 years The ALCAT Test has provided healthcare professionals and their patients with a tool for managing a wide variety of conditions linked to chronic activation of the immune system, such as:

● Digestive Disorders

● Migraines

● Obesity

● Chronic Fatigue

● Aching Joints

● Skin Disorders

● Autism

● And many more…


The ALCAT Test differs from other food allergy or intolerance tests as it accurately and objectively measures leukocyte cellular reactivity in whole blood, which is a final common pathway of all mechanisms. The test utilizes electronic, state of the art, hematological instrumentation. Standard allergy tests, such as skin testing or RAST are not accurate for delayed type reactions to foods and chemicals. They measure only a single mechanism, such as the effect of mast cell release of histamine or the presence of allergen specific IgE molecules. Delayed reactions to foods and chemicals are NOT IgE mediated.

The ALCAT Test also differs from standard IgG tests in that they rely exclusively on one immune pathway, serum levels of immunoglobulin G (IgG). In fact, high food specific IgG titers are indicative only of exposure, not necessarily intolerance.

The ALCAT Test reproducibly measures the final common pathway of all pathogenic mechanism; whether immune, non-immune, or toxic. It is the only test shown to correlate with clinical symptoms by double blind oral challenges, the gold standard.


Test Results


The ALCAT Test results are presented in an easy to understand, color-coded format. They highlight each patient’s incompatible foods and the level of each reaction (severe, moderate or mild).




Wondering if you have a food intolerance? Order an ALCAT blood test online and find out yourself.

Please contact Angela MD at


Call 317-217-2626 and ask for Michelle (AKA-superjuicer)

Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, disease, Exercise, Nutrition, vegan, Whole Food Leave a comment