My superhero patient/friend, Sandy , has allowed me to share some of her story with you. I am uber (is that a word?) grateful. If this post relates to any reader or helps anyone–our mission is accomplished. We are all in this together so Sandy and I are just sharing the experience!
Sandy has Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Basically in my dumbed down nutshell—-her body’s immune system has declared war on her thyroid and is attacking it. She has antibodies against her very own thyroid gland. She had been complaining of weight gain, fatigue, muscle aches, anxiety, depression, and many of the other vague ,yet debilitating symptoms that thyroid issues can cause.
For more NERD detail on Hashimoto’s–check out this
This is the first episode in Sandy’s saga–please follow along
“So my doctor’s office just called, and I need to seriously start a gluten-free diet immediately. Thyroid antibodies. Anti-inflammatories. Selenium. No bread, no grains. But wait. It’s 5:00. Vodka is made from potatoes, right?”
Crap–that would be my first reaction too!!! Who wants to eliminate everything from their diet? Nobody!!!
Here is my advice Sandy—
Chopin–black label made from potatoes
Ciroc–blue label made from grapes
Tito’s —made from corn
YES—I realize that an autoimmune protocol diet eliminates grain, dairy and alcohol–but, remember those famous words from JOEL –sometimes you gotta say “What The F%$K”
Baby steps Sandy–we will get you feeling better soon! She promises to keep us posted on her gluten-free journey!