Fellow struggle bus victims—-
The daylight savings time change and the dreary weather has led to a slow Monday for me. I am guessing that many of you are feeling the mullygrubs as well. I’m sick of waiting for winter to finally break allowing those bright spring undertones to freshen our moods! In effort to keep things lighthearted today–I have to share my man crush Justin Timberlake’s performance on Saturday Night Live this weekend. Love it!
However, I felt compelled to share this real life testimonial with you all for anyone who watched the inspiring Dr. Terry Wahl’s TED talk last week. The more research I do, the more patient testimonials I find. This 7 minute video is by a young gal with relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis. She shares her progress on her blog and in this you tube video. Eat those veggies! And bring it on down to VEGANVILLE!