One small point that Dr. Chris makes in this anti aging lecture is my big take away point. He describes a Free Radical (an unpaired electron) in terms that I can actually wrap my small brain around. In a nutshell, my husband and I go to a couples party one evening. Because I am a sap, I decide to bring cousin Joe that just got divorced because I feel sorry for him. Well, cousin Joe is slightly depressed, drinks a few too many Sun King’s, and hits on everyone’s wife! Hence CHAOS ensues and healthy paired couples are broken up! Cousin Joe is a free radical! He is a toxic cell that breaks apart healthy paired cells and reproduces with them chaotically to cause disease. It’s that simple. That being said–don’t invite Joe to the party! Don’t create chaos in your own body, mind, or spirit.
For more on anti-aging from Dr. Christopher Nagy visit:
Thanks to Chris for allowing to share his wonderful lecture.