Bringing Sexy Back!

It happened again!  Another Ah Ha moment –How many of those are we supposed to get in a lifetime?  I thought I was on track until I opened Dr. Sara Gottfried’s new book “The Hormone Cure”.  Whammy-I read her words describing a 40 yo woman thinking she was going crazy.  The pitiful gal was forgetting things, craving sugar, gaining weight, and generally anxious/overwhelmed by the most trivial of tasks.  Yep my friends–Welcome to peri-menopause!  How refreshing it was to have a straightforward  answer to why I can’t  have fun and chill anymore.  I thought it was because I am a full-time working mother of 4 who was finally starting to crack.  Thankfully, I’ve learned that I am completely normal with common hormone imbalances for my (Yes-This is 40!) age.  The best news it that there is an easy fix!   I would highly recommend reading this book as it outlines the exact hormonal imbalances from which most of us are suffering.  I certainly have cortisol excess (caused by chronic stress) and  progesterone deficiency (the body’s natural Valium) due to peri-menopause.  Dr. Sara implements a distinct program targeted to each exact hormone imbalance .  She gives the reader a concise plan on how to eat, move, think ,and supplement to literally cure the symptoms.  It’s a great read and I strongly suggest it for any woman pre/post/ or peri-menopausal.  Finally, someone (a MD-no doubt) spells it out in terms we can understand and scenarios with which we can relate.  Get her Free Hormone Tool Kit— HERE

You can even take her Free Hormone Quiz —HERE



Another great note—

Sean Croxton is bringing Sexy Back—Yeah!


Check out his Sexy Back Summit HERE   It features answers from top experts on all of your most intimate sex and hormone questions!  I’ve had the opportunity to listen to some of his speakers and they are down and dirty with the nitty-gritty details!

My personal favorite is Dr. Anna Cabeca’s advice to men from JJ Virgin’s 7days 7 docs series.

Here’s a sneak preview:


Men—-How do you get your woman to initiate sex more?


It’s a simple answer—-cuddle and hold her for approximately 2 minutes after climax.  Why?  Because a woman’s oxytocin hormones raise leaving her feeling satisfied, loved, and yearning for more!!!  I’m sorry MEN, but, we don’t ask for much. Throw us a bone now and then! (no pun intended)

Apparently it works every time!!!  Good stuff I tell you-:

Sexy Back Summit  HERE


We are all in this together!  Life is a journey and we are constantly changing, learning, growing and hopefully sharing our experience!  And for your  viewing pleasure–Here is Justin (my top 5 celebrity crush)

Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, disease, Nutrition, Whole Food Leave a comment

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