Ways to Self Sabotage

10 Ways We Sabotage our own Health and Weight Loss

1.  Skipping breakfast

2. Eating too little

3.  Lack of sleep

4.  Dehydration

5.  Lack of protein

6.  Pharmaceuticals

7.  Toxins in processed foods

8.  Eating inconsistantly

9.  Pestacides on foods

10.  Not believing in ourselves


10 Ways we can break the cycle

1.  Eat something when we wake up

2.  Add 1 fresh veggie a day (free calories essentially)

3.  Go to bed 10 minutes earlier than usual

4.  Drink 1 glass of water (or extra glass) daily

5.  Add protein between meals (i.e./ a handful of nuts or seeds)

6.  Eliminate any drug that is unessential

7.  Eat 1 less processed food daily

8.  Eat 3 times a day for 3 days straight

9.  Wash all veggies and eat fresh or frozen and not canned

10.  Affirmations–start each day by saying in the mirror “I love you ______!”

BABY STEPS!!!!  They still count and will get you walking strong eventually!

Posted on by Angela in Body, Call to action, Diet, Spirit Leave a comment

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