So I have a young healthy patient that suffers from terrible migraines! He travels yearly to an institute in Michigan that specializes in the treatment of migraine headaches. He takes abortive medications almost 6 days a week. Even the best specialists in the field haven’t been able to cure him of these terrible headaches. (Cue the drum roll)—He changed his diet and he has had several months of migraine free success! He started with a 1 week juice fast using Dr. Oz’s recipe. And then followed specifically with an anti-inflammatory diet. This includes no artificial sweeteners, no gluten, no dairy, and no caffeine. Here is his favorite GREEN JUICE from Dr. Oz. I rocked it out with my new juicer this weekend and am loving it. Even Sidney (13) and one of her girlfriends drank it this weekend!!!
2 cups spinach
1/2 cucumber
1/4 head of celery
1/2 bunch parsley
1 bunch mint
3 carrots
2 apples
1/4 orange
1/4 lime
1/4 lemon
1/4 pineapple
He still follows a diet that includes many fruits, vegetables and no processed foods—Who would believe that one man could cure himself of chronic pain and disease by just eating healthy! If you suffer from migraine headaches–I would encourage you to try one week of the following diet just to see if it helps. Hopefully, we will get his testimonial soon and I’ll be posting his experience and his migraine logs.
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