1. Great Produce and Freshness
Local foods arrive at the market within 24 hours of being harvested in season. They don’t only taste delicious, they last longer as well.
2. Great Taste-Less Waste
The quality of the food remains because the farmer will allow the food to ripen in the field and will harvest them at the peak of their flavor. They are crisp with good texture. The farmer’s also have tons of tips on growing and preparing the fresh fruits and veggies.
3. Season and Community
There is nothing like strolling on a beautiful saturday morning with a fresh cup of coffee and the dog while listening to a local musician singing. It’s just a good way to start the day!
4. Variety
Each farmer will have his own variety of items and may introduce you to something you might not have considered trying. Have you ever tried purple dragon carrots? They just sound sexy!
5. Helping Local Farmers
This is my number one reason for visiting the market. For each dollar spent in conventional food markets, only 9 cents actually goes to the farmer. The rest goes to suppliers, processors, middlemen and marketers.