Parties, Parties, Parties

This last month has been filled with parties for the Henriksen clan!  Celebrations over high school graduation, softball championships, and birthdays!  Not that I am complaining about the wonderful accomplishments that we have to celebrate, but it does make it hard to stay healthy in mind, body and spirit.  The stress of cleaning, planning, shopping and lack of sleep have driven us all to the edge.  The menus can’t always include healthy food and scare away all of the partygoers.  The idea of serving kale chips, veggie kabobs, and vegan desserts to Sidney’s 12yo softball cronies was absolutely horrifying to her!  She said she would rather me try to sing “Call Me Maybe” than serve that disgusting food to her teammates.  Therefore, in effort to provide less ammunition for her to tell her therapist years from now after I have royally screwed her up with poor parenting antics, I settled on hotdogs, chips, and cake.  When we planned Emma’s 5th birthday shindig, I didn’t even try.  Instead, my adorable husband stayed up until 3 am pretending he was the Cake Boss making her a fantastic Lego cake while Emma and I played Martha Steward making a Pinterest wreath.  Sometimes, you throw in the towel–have a cheat day and then try to get back on track.  After all, YOLO!

Who couldn’t enjoy celebrating the accomplishments of these fabulous kiddos!




Posted on by Angela in Body, Diet, Family, Humor, Mind, Nutrition, Spirit, Weight Loss, Whole Food Leave a comment

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