As you already know if you are visiting this site, we are dedicated to helping people take ownership of disease by inspiring them to change their diets. We post ideas, links and stories of other’s who have succeeded in changing their lives for the better. This site is my “Field of Dreams.” I started this program because I realized that in the future, I will not be able to treat disease because of the sad state of the economy. In 10-20 years, pharmaceuticals and insurance prices will be too high for most of us to afford. Recent studies predict that by the year 2037, Medicare will be bankrupt and insurance premiums will exceed the average American household income. For that reason, I am encouraging all of us to take an active role in disease prevention before our children and grandchildren require medical intervention that they can’t afford and may not be available. I dedicated my career to helping people, took the Hippocratic Oath, and am sticking to it. How can I help patient’s if I don’t treat the cause of their diseases? We are not victims of genetics, we are victims of a fast paced, capitalistic society that has lost priorities. That is why we are all fat, sick, and nearly dead. We don’t have time to nurture our spirits, families and minds. We are too busy trying to get through each day! I strongly believe that physicians need to take back the healthcare industry. We need to lead the revolution to change in the direction of prevention. I have vowed to more actively help patients get the nutritional education and encouragement that they need to change their lifestyles. Other physicians need to be encouraged to defy the rules and standards and take this leap of faith. Political lobbying, insurance dictators, and pharmaceutical advertisements simply aren’t doing the job of cutting healthcare spending.
We do have options: If Kony can go viral overnight via the internet—SO CAN WE!
Share these messages posted on the site with others. More importantly, try to slow down in life, take care of yourself and most of all —just be yourself. Trust me, as I say in my home page, it’s scary, but people will still love you if you aren’t perfect! Just be real.