I’m going to have to confess that I’m only going to do 2 meals daily with smoothies considering that I have a 13yo and a 5yo at home that I will have to cook for this week and will be greatly tempted by the real food they are eating. I will however make a whole food paleo based dinner for the family and will share that with you. I will post any weight loss at the end of the challenge and am planning to go as long as I can in this endeavor. I know Amy plans to do a full 10 days—I am planning on taking it one day at a time as that is our philosophy here. Baby steps! Remember-we are all in this together and are human! So here we go with day one!
Breakfast: Mixed in my NINJA—-5 strawberries, 1/2 banana and 2 tablespoons of chia seeds
Lunch: 1 stalk kale, 1 cucumber, 3 apples with 2 tablespoons of chia seeds—all juiced in the Omega 3 rather than the NINJA
Dinner: 1 pkg grass fed chicken breast sautéed in butter and olive oil with 1 stalk broccoli, 1 zucchini, 1 cup (cooked) whole grain rice and 1 egg–
All the cool kids in the back of the bus!!!!!!