Oxytocin and Bonding

Oxytocin hormone in our body


                In most cases, people are much more intrigued with hormones that impact their physical well-being. But the matter of fact is that some of the hormones also influence the mental functions in our body. As dominant as brain is, it can’t cover all the functions and processes in our organism. Having that in mind, it needs to use hormones in order to transfer certain information so that the body can work properly. For example, cortisol and adrenalin are very important for our instincts and they give us instant surge of energy and warn us of danger. However, when it comes to social processes and our social interaction with other individuals, there is one dominant hormone that performs most of the functions.

                Oxytocin is a hormone which is secreted in hypothalamus. Afterwards, it is released into our bloodstream and it gives us an elated sensation. It is often referred to as “bonding hormone”. To be honest, this is the best way to describe it because it influences all bonding processes and relationships which we form with other people. Besides its social component it also influences growth and healing.

                When we talk about our social interaction with other individuals, it is worth mentioning that most of the process happens in first few second upon meeting another person. This is when our mind and hormones tell us whether a person is trustworthy. We make our impression based on first contact and initial talk. If we recognize certain similarities with a person, we usually befriend him or her. In this situation, cortisol warns us of danger, while oxytocin reduces potential anxiety which can be a product of such encounter. However, when we “decide” to make person our friend, oxytocin starts working within our body. Each contact made with a person deepens our bond, making us better friends.

                At the same time, this hormone also influences bonding with opposite sex. This is what we usually refer to as “chemistry”. And we are not wrong when we say this. When we recognize certain likable traits in other person, usually similarities to our own persona, this is when oxytocin starts working. The hormone is also very important for our sexual life because it impacts erection and ejaculation. In most cases, when people have issues in marriage, this is due lack of connection between each other. It is recommendable for couples to use oxytocin sublingual drops from Oxytocin Factor in order to restore levels of oxytocin in blood.

                Similarly to all our other social interaction, oxytocin impacts our behavior in a group as well as certain social traits like obedience and loyalty. It is discovered that people belonging to certain group are more likely to cheat and lie because oxytocin’s impact on body. Furthermore, as soon as the group has certain common goal, oxytocin works in order for the group to attain a goal. This was very important during history, especially during process of creation of certain tribes and nations. In all these cases oxytocin worked as a bridge that provided common ground for various people and various personas.

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