My sentiments exactly! Thanks for the share Dee–check out her blog at
You may remember that I started this blog because I am an overweight diet authority. Oxymoronic, I know. But food and health have always fascinated me so I’ve been watching shows and reading books and learning about wellness for as long as I can remember. The sad thing is, that until I am able to successfully make my outside form match my inside genius, no one will (or should) believe that I know what I’m talking about.
Part of what I set out to prove to myself and everyone around me is that I am just an average person with a job and family and food cravings and an extra 40 pounds. People who have never been challenged with weight issues, really can’t coach from the same perspective as people who have overcome the challenge. They still have powerful advice to offer on the benefits of exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Wholistic medicine is particularly fascinating. I read this today and wanted to share with you what Plato had to say about overall health: “the greatest mistake that physicians make is that they attempt to cure the body without attempting to cure the mind; yet the mind and body are one and should not be treated separately.”