Personal Care Products

As you know, the skin is the largest organ in the body.  Because it is responsible for absorption, it is also a great detoxification organ.  However, I pay very little attention to what personal products I use because I have been more concerned about what I eat and put into my body.  I forget that what we put on our bodies can be just as toxic.  If you read one of my earlier posts about cleure cosmetics you also read about how parabens, found in many cosmetics, have recently been found in breast tissue of breast cancer patients.  These parabens act like hormone mimickers thus feeding hormone based cancers.  We use aluminum containing antiperspirants that have been linked with neuron degeneration.  Many shampoos that we wash our hair with contain propylene glycol (antifreeze).  There is a great website that ranks the toxicity of personal care products on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the most toxic.  So this weekend, I will be spending an exciting Friday or Saturday night on the SKIN DEEP website logging all my personal products and replacing any of them that have a score of 5 or higher.  Fun stuff!!!

Posted on by Angela in Body, Green Living, Nutrition, Organic, Whole Food Leave a comment

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