I’m constantly asked, “What diet are you endorsing? Vegan, Vegetarian, Adkins, Southbeach, Paleo etc” I’m not actually endorsing any one diet per say. My philosophy includes eating more whole foods! It’s not actually any specific diet. As we know, the whole dieting paradigm is flawed. We have to make lifestyle changes in order to get healthy in the mind, body, and spirit realm. Although, all the different types of diet schemes have their benefits. I believe that we make choices every time we put something into our bodies, including food, drink, products and especially thoughts. When we think negatively, our minds allow us to make poor choices. The main take away point at this part of my nutrition learning curve is to cut out processed foods. Eat clean and pure. But also, think clean and pure. Eliminate toxic people and emotions from your life. To quote Wiz Khalifa “If you believe you can do it, then you can do it. I don’t follow no cliché, I live to be that way. I don’t try to be different, I try to be me and people think that’s different.” Denise Minger sums up a big difference between the Paleo diet and the Vegan/Vegetarian diet differences in this excerpt from the Real Food Summit this last week. It may help explain some differences of thought. Just more food for thought.
See her site at http://rawfoodsos.com