Here is Dee’s post for the day. I agree that it looks beautiful. It is so easy to derail on a diet. I do encourage people to take it one day at a time. I may be calling Dee and begging her to accompany me to Tijuana Flats when I have my next nacho craving. I am hoping that she will accept and if she is having a good day–eat something healthy. If not, go ahead and splurge that one time, then not beat her self up about it. We will all probably have a big mac again too! Let’s keep this realistic. We aren’t dieting we are simply trying to make better choices. We will fall off the wagon, then jump back on. Every morning before school, I tell my girls “Make good choices!” They roll their eyes! I think I need to ask them to say it back to me. I’m considering dumping my current love, diet mtn. dew. My goal for tomorrow is to drink one if I crave it, and then not have another until I drink an entire glass of water. Baby steps because I do love my dew! Its been one long torid affair we have had. My Bad Romance!
My biggest questions for Dee are: 1. Were you still hungry? 2. What did it taste like?
Today, I’m off to DSW to find you some hot shoes! The unveiling better be big! I see sequins and stilettos in your future.
Dee writes:
I ate this and lived!
Yesterday I was an experimental vegan. Coconut milk and a banana for breakfast, salad for lunch with lemon juice and this for dinner. It is quite beautiful. I went to a farmer’s market and bought some things — this is spaghetti squash with diced tomato and fresh basil. This is a 180 degree turnaround from what I wanted to eat. I would have normally wanted quesadillas from Tijuana Flats (with cheese and sour cream)…not even close. I will say that I’ve tried a plant-based diet before and went from 200 pounds to 182. At 182, I actually felt skinny. Isn’t that funny? Even though I was far from skinny, I still felt lighter and more mobile. That’s how I know it can be done. I also know the mistakes I’ve made in the past and can hopefully prevent them before they’re repeated. In past pseudo-successful diets, I get to a pretty good point and let down my guard because the diet is “working”. That’s when the sucker punch comes, derails a lot of good effort and knocks me off course. The other thing I remember about starting any diet is that the first few days are the hardest because my body is throwing a tantrum. We come from a German heritage on Dad’s side with a tenacious mom that survived brain surgery, strokes and breast cancer. I’m hoping my beautiful little sister joins me on this blog. It was initially all her idea. (ILY) One more note about veggies: it is one thing that every logical diet/eating plan has in common. I said logical because I don’t count Adkins. Vegetables are high in nutrition, low in calories, low in fat and straight from God’s hands to your mouth. Win, win, win.
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